Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eat The Damn Bananas!!

“Eat the damn bananas,” shouts Kylee’s crazy, awesome Nan as she woke a group of us up by throwing bananas at our faces.

Nan (although a tad out there) may have a point. Breakfast is the best way to jumpstart your metabolism from the overnight fast.

I’m just toooooooo busy! You have no time to make something before you head out to work, school, morning tan sesh or whatever it is you crazy kids do in the AM. Excuses come in all shapes and sizes people! I am going to give you a few reasons why I think you should make some time for your health.

1. Go, Go Gadget…Energy! Breakfast literally provides you with energy. When you start your day with an empty stomach, you’re running on zip zap ZERO. Running on empty will make you sluggish, tired, cranky, and cause people to hit up the vending machine for a quick pre lunch fix (don’t do it girrrrrrrrl).

2. I am so smart…Smrt? Eating breaky will give your brain an energy boost, which will make you feel alert and perform better. Can you really concentrate when all you’re thinking about is B-A-N-A-N-A-S?

3. I am not a CheetAH! If you space your meals out throughout the day you are less likely to break your diet or healthy eating habits at night. Don’t deprive yourself of breakfast or any meals for that matter. You might find yourself lying on the kitchen floor covered in chocolate and potato chip crumbs (not pretty).

4. But MOM, I’m not hungry. I know I know, the thought of eating makes you want to puke some mornings, but I’m not asking you to stuff your goblet with anything and everything. A banana, bowl of cereal, or even a smoothie will help you beat the morning blues.

Here’s what I chose today. Yummy yum yum! Kashi puffed wheat cereal with a cut up banana.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Up Up and Away!

I'll be up up and away

Why Run? Why not?

I started running last year at this exact time, because I was bored and sick of going to the gym. A friend said he was going to start ditching the treadmill and start hitting the pavement. It took 3 or more days of going to the gym and coming up with excuses as to why I shouldn’t try this running thing, but I caved in the end. For some reason, I would try anything (cycle circuit, yoga, biking, even swimming) but running has been the one activity that I’ve been afraid to try.

I decided to get over my fear and prove to myself I can become a runner. I wanted to at least try a few runs before throwing out my running shoes. My first, second, and third run consisted of me whining my face off about everything! I was tired, sore, and out of breath in a short period of time. Although I dreaded the start, I felt this feeling of accomplishment at the end of each run. I now know this feeling as a “runners high.”

Each run became easier, I wasn't whining(as much), my breathing was normal, and I was able to run further than I ever imagined. I decided I would sign up for my first running race, the firefighters 10 mile road race. I was terrified, but I knew I wanted to put my running to the test. I was so nervous the day of the race, but when it started I realized it wasn't terrifying at all. It was actually a lot of fun. Crossing the finish line that day was something I will never forget.

Running has become a fun challenge in my life, and I look forward to going for a run after a days work. Give it a try, it's not so scary..I promise.



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Been around the world and I I I...

I have fallen very behind in blogging, but I'm back.

To keep it brief I made a list:

Travel to Australia - (check)
cuddle a Koala..trying my hardest not to type bear at the end - (double check)
fight a kangaroo - ughhhh .. no, but fed one? Yes.
Whitewater rafting - (Yikes)
Contiki tour - 17 days of craziness!
Tim Tams - Amazingly amazing...what?
Aussies - Friendly as
Flat white - the best cup of coffee you'll ever have
have fun - trip of a lifetime. Something I will have forever.

I've signed up for the firefighters 10 mile road race in May, and received news that I have been accepted into Grandmas half marathon in June (Run Lauren RUN!).

The next posts will be aimed towards running, and healthy eating.

