Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Up Up and Away!

I'll be up up and away

Why Run? Why not?

I started running last year at this exact time, because I was bored and sick of going to the gym. A friend said he was going to start ditching the treadmill and start hitting the pavement. It took 3 or more days of going to the gym and coming up with excuses as to why I shouldn’t try this running thing, but I caved in the end. For some reason, I would try anything (cycle circuit, yoga, biking, even swimming) but running has been the one activity that I’ve been afraid to try.

I decided to get over my fear and prove to myself I can become a runner. I wanted to at least try a few runs before throwing out my running shoes. My first, second, and third run consisted of me whining my face off about everything! I was tired, sore, and out of breath in a short period of time. Although I dreaded the start, I felt this feeling of accomplishment at the end of each run. I now know this feeling as a “runners high.”

Each run became easier, I wasn't whining(as much), my breathing was normal, and I was able to run further than I ever imagined. I decided I would sign up for my first running race, the firefighters 10 mile road race. I was terrified, but I knew I wanted to put my running to the test. I was so nervous the day of the race, but when it started I realized it wasn't terrifying at all. It was actually a lot of fun. Crossing the finish line that day was something I will never forget.

Running has become a fun challenge in my life, and I look forward to going for a run after a days work. Give it a try, it's not so scary..I promise.



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