Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Been around the world and I I I...

I have fallen very behind in blogging, but I'm back.

To keep it brief I made a list:

Travel to Australia - (check)
cuddle a Koala..trying my hardest not to type bear at the end - (double check)
fight a kangaroo - ughhhh .. no, but fed one? Yes.
Whitewater rafting - (Yikes)
Contiki tour - 17 days of craziness!
Tim Tams - Amazingly amazing...what?
Aussies - Friendly as
Flat white - the best cup of coffee you'll ever have
have fun - trip of a lifetime. Something I will have forever.

I've signed up for the firefighters 10 mile road race in May, and received news that I have been accepted into Grandmas half marathon in June (Run Lauren RUN!).

The next posts will be aimed towards running, and healthy eating.



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