Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Last night in Bondi

Hey all,

Sorry I have been slacking on my posting, but it's very hot here and the computer is the last place I want to be (no offence to you cold suckers!)

Tonight is my last night at Mike and Eva's place at Bondi Beach. Tomorrow I begin my 16 day Contiki tour of the East Coast. I'm not sure if I will have access to the intertubes, but if I do I will try to keep you all updated.

The tour clearly begins in Sydney and ends in Cairns (check it out if you have time on a map). I have found a new love in maps lately. You don't really appreciate a map until you look around and have no idea where you are. You start giving a shit when you can't point out North from me.

Went for a nice dinner with the family last night, and tried my luck at a dish called chicken schnitzel. It was delicious, and the bottle of wine complimented it nicely haha.

Anyways, not much to report. It's windy and cool today ( I know none of you feel sorry for me, but it was worth a shot). I went in the ocean yesterday for a swim, and it was a lot of fun. The waves are fairly overwhelming though. I can see the need for 10 lifeguards after my experience. Good thing my swimming is top notch. Thanks for keeping me in swimming lessons mom, I can always doggy paddle myself out of any situation haha.

Ok back to the future for me cheers,


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