Saturday, January 9, 2010


Dear friends,

As some of you may have seen, I went downtown Sydney yesterday. It's kind of hard to explain, but you know when you see things in pictures and on tv over and over and expect something to be like that? Well it was way better in person! The Sydney bridge was to my left and the Opera house was to my right, and they were both pretty amazing. I chose not to climb across the Sydney bridge, because well I'm a wimp..there, I said it!

In other news, the food is pretty much the same. Except burgers, if you order a burger here they fry an egg and put it on top of the patty. My sister is probably screaming "WHY DIDN"T I THINK OF THAT?" and running for her frying pan haha.

I've mentioned this before, but coffee is expensive and weird here. You have to know what to order. They are called Short black or tall white (a bit racist, but I didn't name them!)
I believe it's around 5 dollars a cup and they are tiny cups, so I was none to impressed.
Knowone likes a quiter, so I went to the corner store and bought instant coffee. It's actually not too bad, and now you can all be rest assured that my addiction is back in full force. Yay!

I haven't seen anyone famous, except my reflection. I heard Paris Hilton was staying at a nearby hotel, but she's not in the tabloids a lot so I don't really know what she looks like haha.

I spent today at the beach listening to music and reading the scratch DJ academy guide (thank you sister). There was a 2k swim setup in the ocean that I watched, and wow it was pretty nuts. People can swim! That's what I've learned. Other than that, I've had a pretty quiet Sunday.

There was a homeless man living in one of the rocks on bondi beach, but he recently got charged with assult (which they think was made up) and was forced to relocate (jail). He lived in the rock for years and years apparently, so this is a lesson to all of you. Don't give up your dream!

Back to the future for me,


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