Sunday, January 3, 2010

Packing: Ain't that a B!

Hey all,

First meltdown pre-flight! Packing is a bitch. I have a large back pack to fit all my stuff. After packing, unpacking, repacking, pacing and swearing, and then getting my brother Zack to sit on my pack, so I could shut it. I've realized that my 3 pile strategy (Needs it, Wants it, Maybe) wasn't the best way to cut things out.

Finally, after much debate and bedroom fashion shows, I am packed (Lindsay Craig you should feel like a proud mom...I listened to your 3 shorts rule!)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Nice Dress! I'm glad it looks super cute on you too! I almost kept it for myself hahaha!

Safe travels sister! You're going to have such an amazing time!!
