Wednesday, January 6, 2010


LAX (land of the angry)

Hey quick post from the Alaska lounge. LA people= Rude. Asked a lady if she knew what time it was and she told me to get a watch. (probably not a bad suggestion though..)

Flight from Minneapolis to LA was good. Sat beside a man that loved college football and wanted to tell me all about it. Man on plane also wanted to know if I knew his friend Ted so and so from Canada. Sadly I didn't know Ted so and so from Montreal, but I'm sure it was my loss.

Arrived in sunny LA (saw the Hollywood sign, but not LC). Crazy man in streets asked me if I liked Kanye West (of course I said yes). He then handed me a bible and started telling me about his religion. I politely declined his invitation to "turn my life around."

Standing in line to checkin luggage in the international area. Apparently aussies love R. Kelly. Step in the name of love was pumping (I didn't want to make a bad impression, so clearly I stepped, stepped side to side..and sang along.)

I'm drinking now, which is probably not one of my better ideas. Free vodka pineapples (haven't picked the drink of 2010 yet) who could resist? Nerves for my flight are starting to set in, but I saw a lot of rich, important looking people (they are too important to go through a bad flight..I'm sure of it). At least I will tell myself that.

I miss January 7th completely, so let me know what happens. I never liked the number 7 anyway.

Wishing you all well, and I will talk to you soon!



Jason_Randle_84 said...

Lol religious people suck! I am impressed with your blogging style short and too the point excellent! I also get to comment first! Anyways have a good trip and bring me back a Didjeridoo!

Stir It Up said...

step step side to side
round and round dip it down
seperate bring it back
now let me see you do the love slide!

hahahahah what a craptastic song! lol.

Cha Cha said...

Lauren, glad to hear you are having a wonderful time. It's the complete opposite here... fucking terrible. My motto while you are gone "Fuck my Life" or FML in public areas, seems to be very fitting for 2010.
A little disappointed that you didn't see LC, she obviously didn't get my tweet that you were coming to LA! A little creeped out if all Aussie's like R.Kelly, does that mean they all like to be pee'd on? You should have taken the bible from the man and told him you are turning your life around and so should he, then thrown his bible behind him and walk away. Walking away is always the best idea.
I hope you met a handsome, rich aussie on the flight who is going to bring you around Australia in his 50 foot Yacht. I'm jealous of your every moment in Australia. tbay sucks. miss you :)
January 7th sucks ..went to school and going to work.

Unknown said...

ish, this made me laugh to myself, you are entertaining as always.
so jealous of you girl. i'll keep reading!