Thursday, January 7, 2010

I am on a 24 hour sleepless diet, I don't encourage you to try it. Flight was good, but very long. Actually I spent my time watching movies (funny people, This is it, Harry Potter and the something, and Post Grad). A friendly Aussie girl was sitting next to me, so we had a few drinks and she was telling me a lot of great stuff about Sydney.

Not a lot of plane stories actually. Oh wait, I do have something to say. Katie Ischkin thank you for suggesting me to make my meals veggy, because when everyone got delish scrambled eggs and bacon. I got a plate full of blended up spinach and potatoes, YUM. I could just picture you laughing at me while I was being served this. I gave you a fist shake and cursed your name somewhere near hawaii.

Arrived in Sydney and decided to take the train to my cousins apartment in Bondi. Amazing so far. My aunt and uncle brought me for a tour of the area, and it truely is beautiful. The air smells like fresh ocean water, and the sand is so white it looks like snow. A lot of surfers, so hopefully I can get on a board this week.

The coffee is weird though, I asked for a large coffee with milk and they gave me funny options. They steam the milk and then put it in with the coffee, and they call it something different. Who knows, I probably didn't even order coffee. It is 12pm, so I am trying to stay up as long as I can today!

Other than that, I am off to the beach!



Katie said...

I told you to get the Vegetarian with dairy meaning you would have gotten eggs!! The airline probably thought you didn't want dairy or meat!! Sorry, should have explained that better!

Anonymous said...

eggs come from chickens.

Nick said...

on further investigation, eggs are chickens.

Cha Cha said...

Post Grad is a great movie! Alexis Bledel ... so funny.
Curious to know if the coffee tasted good? and what did they call it?
can you bottle up some sand for me ... from every beach you go to!